Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Unlike Caracas the train in Calgary goes by surface....

The Coldest Day

November, Monday 26th was the coldest day in all my life. In the morning the temperature

was -16 and unfortunately during the day it stayed the same. After this i went to check the

forecast for the following days. Now i think I need to get used to this extremes temperatures.

Snowing in Calgary

The weather in Calgary have been becoming harsher, the temperature has been been

decreasing. Doing things is more difficult now, when snow the public tranportation is terrible,

you have to use a lot of stuffs to protec every single part of your body.

Besides this, everytime that snow i have to shovel the sidewalks and the back yard.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Check out these beautiful Venezuelan women.

Take a look of the models, vote and give your comment...

Well, I can see most of you guys prefer Annarela Bono, that's good. She's one of my favorite.....

Music Survey

Maybe the music is not interesting...later I will ask something more eye-catching.
Keep voting....

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Hi everybody...well im sure everyone else know where I come from(see the blog's name). I'm studying english in Canada and having a great time...

Wait for more....